Key Minerals to Focus on During Your September Reset

The summer is over and its been a fun break. After being able to relax and allow yourself to be lazy, not following a routine, eating what you wish, reality is almost back as the holidays end. Without the stressors associated with tight workdays, busy children schedules and crowded streets, the thought of a “reset” comes and goes, with your mind pondering what it would take to change your reality. A reality that would encompass a better version of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. A version of yourself that sleeps smoothly throughout the night, wakes up energized for the day, handles stressors smoothly, attends to responsibilities happily and even has time to meal prep, exercise or practice a shelved hobby. Not to mention a version of yourself that has healthier hair, skin and nails, and a better mood. What a beautiful thought. But merely thinking about how to make this happen has exhausted you. Maybe its age, as they say. Maybe its motherhood. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe there is something wrong with you which google hasn’t figured out. Whatever it is, let me assure you its much less complicated than it feels. By focusing on including a few key minerals into your diet, you can reset your September and finish the year more energized and motivated to become the healthier version of yourself.

Electrolytes. A drink long associated only for athletes who sweat and need to replenish what they lose from exercising.  What many don’t know is that electrolytes are equally important to those who exhibit symptoms of slow oxidation or are slow oxidizers (identified from a Hair Tissue and Mineral analysis test). Symptoms of slow oxidation can include constant fatigue, sleep disturbances, brain fog, low mood, digestive issues as well as dry skin, hair and nails. What these clients are usually deficient in are the minerals that make up electrolytes, which is sodium, potassium and magnesium. By focusing on drinking electrolytes or eating foods high in these three important minerals, one can support the proper activation of the cells of the body. This activation will bring about more energy (which leads to better mood and sleep), better hydration (that influences skin, hair and nails), a clearer mind as well as better digestion. One of the reasons why we become deficient in these minerals is because our bodies use these minerals to deal with the constant amount of stress in which our bodies go through, whether it is physical or psychological. By working on replenishing our internal reserves of sea salt, potassium and magnesium, only then will we be able to “reset” our energy and feel better.

Sodium, my favorite mineral, is considered the human battery used in the stress response as fuel. Sodium regulates the function of the adrenal glands, which are the primary glands responsible for managing the body’s metabolism and stress response. The majority of us are deficient in sodium, therefore replenishing on a daily basis with a high-quality sea salt is crucial if we want to support our overworked adrenal glands. With more energy we are able to handle the day better, have improved mood, as well as sleep deeper.

Potassium, sodium’s co-factor, establishes the electrical current of the body which in turn influences our heart health and nerve function. Potassium is also important for our cognitive and mental health, and when deficient, we can suffer from symptoms of memory loss, overthinking and anxiety.  Most importantly, potassium sensitizes the cells to the thyroid hormone, another important organ that drives the metabolic health of the body.

Magnesium is another important mineral to the health of our adrenal glands, required to be in the body in adequate amounts as it’s the mineral that is burned at higher rates during both physical or psychological stress. Not only a relaxant for muscle tightness and important for muscle recovery, magnesium also supports the digestive system and can help with elevating constipation. Because of its calming affects on the body, it has been widely used to help with improving mood and sleep.

History has recorded Hippocrates saying “All disease begins in the gut.” He couldn’t be closer to the truth that continues to unfold in science about the importance of the gut and its role in shaping our psychological, mental and physical state. To ensure there is proper absorption, we are in need of a strong microbiome and enough stomach acid to break down the food we eat. If you are experiencing bloating and not having a regular daily bowel movement, it can be assumed you are suffering from an insufficiency. Sea Salt supports stomach acid production known as HCL. Potassium is involved in the activation of digestive enzymes. These enzymes are crucial for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients effectively. And most importantly, magnesium is a relaxant, and for those who suffer from constipation can greatly benefit from magnesium rich foods or supplements to ensure a daily bowel elimination.  

When the body is not “charged,” it will malfunction, and focusing on these three electrolyte minerals, you can ensure better functionality of your physical, mental and psychological body.   There are many different ways to include more of these minerals in your diet, from mindfully choosing your food or supplementing. Here are a few of my favorite and simple ways to get started:

-Start your day with a shot of lime juice with a pinch of sea salt in water instead of a cup of coffee. This will awaken your body at a cellular level.

-Drink electrolyte water (pick a clean brand that does not have additives and a nice dose of the three minerals discussed). You can opt for coconut water which will also give your body the hydration it needs. Coconut water is a great natural electrolyte that has over 400mg of potassium!

-Don’t shy away from salting your food with sea salt throughout the day. Sea salt is great for digestion and will actually support in reducing your cravings and snacking. I carry a high quality sea salt mini salter in my hand bag and put it on everything, whether it is drinks or food.

-Dates are packed with magnesium and potassium and serve as a great natural snack that is not high in the glycemic index as many assume.

-Epsom salt baths, aka magnesium sulfate baths, are a great way to replenish your body and ensure a good night’s sleep after a stressful day.

As Tony Robbins said, “The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” Start your health journey with mindfully including these three minerals in your diet and you will notice the shift in your energy!

Article written by : Hind Al Khulaifi, HTMA-P, Advanced Health Labs

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